Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities
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Central Christian Church Pastor Don Thomas said he has been preparing a Christmas message meant to personalize the birth of Jesus.
Thomas said he prepared a music and a video for his Christmas Eve sermon.
“A lot of times we say he (Jesus) is the savior of the world, but we need to know he came to save each one of us individually,” Thomas said.
Thomas said he wants people to know how much they need a savior.
Ron Fox, pastor of Grace Fellowship Baptist Church, said his message means to convey how important Jesus’ birth and death on the cross are to the people of the world.
Fox wants to remind his church that God gave his only son when Jesus was born.
“It’s important that people know that God loves us and gave his son to save us,” Fox said.
Fox said he teaches the same message every Christmas.
Faith in Christ Lutheran Church pastor Gary Piepkorn has a Christmas message he has titled “The Love of God.”
Piepkorn said he believes people misunderstand what love is and hopes to show his congregation through his Christmas sermon.
“The love God has is selfless and other oriented,” Piepkorn said.
Piepkorn said he wants to reassure believers their faith will get them to heaven and let non-believers know what God’s love and faith can do for them.
First United Methodist Church Pastor Keith Wilson prepared his sermon titled “Jesus the Redeemer Lives” for his Christmas service.
Wilson’s sermon follows the story of Herod as he tries to find the newborn Jesus in order to kill him.
Wilson said his sermon’s message is that good always triumphs over evil as it did in Herod’s story.
“No matter what evil is present, God in Christ has made a way for good to prevail, that is what I want people to hear,” Wilson said.
Wilson said he believes his message is timely because of national and international problems that people are facing.
“There are too many good people in Portales and too many good people in the world for anyone to go through the season feeling overwhelmed by evil. They must know that there is redemption,” Wilson said.