Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

My turn: Democracy still alive

There is nothing like an election year with its endless squabbling to make me feel a bit disheartened about our political process.

That's why I was particularly cheered recently to run into a young man I know who graduated from high school last month. He greeted me with a grin and announced, "I voted today!"

He then went on to tell me his choices, race by race, sharing who he had voted for and why. It was clear he had given it a lot of time and thought. He had researched the candidates, read up on the issues and, best of all, taken to heart his responsibility and privilege as a member of our society.

We are bombarded with information these days: television, radio, the Internet, texts, tweets, calls, junk mail. Sometimes we forget the pure and simple beauty of the essence of democracy.

I saw it in the enthusiastic eyes of a first-time voter and found it most encouraging.

Whether or not you cast your vote in the just-completed primary, I hope you will take time come November to participate in a process too precious to be taken for granted.

I know at least one young voter who can't wait.

Betty Williamson loves democracy, even if she does sometimes wish she could vote for "none of the above." You may reach her at [email protected]