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My turn: One size doesn't fit all

I remember watching Roy Rogers jumping off of a balcony into the saddle, and then later jumping from that saddle to catch a bad guy that was trying to get away. Roy could really get around on that saddle.

I know Roy picked the right saddle to do all of those fancy tricks. I am sure he knew what he was doing when he went to the saddle shop to get just the right one.

I have been trying to find the right shoe to run in. It's not that I am like Imelda Marcos, I don't have that many pairs of shoes. I just need something that will help me when I run.

Sounds pretty simple doesn't it? It is not. There is a shoe for just about everything and every surface. If I run on pavement, there is one shoe, on dirt there is another and on rough trails a different one. You are never supposed to walk in your running shoe.

I guess if I was going to do any of those tricks like Roy used to do, I would need a different pair just for that. I don't think Roy had to go through all of this.