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CHS replaces baseball, softball infields

CLOVIS — Whoever coined the phrase “dirt cheap” clearly didn’t have to replace an infield.

Clovis High did twice over, recently updating the infields at both Bell Park for baseball and Wildcat Softball Field over the last two weeks. Athletic Director Dale Fullerton said the original plan was to do the replacements during spring break, but one of the contractors got sick. The fields got the work instead while Clovis teams were on the road.

“This should last, they’re telling us, 8-10 years,” Fullerton said. He didn’t recall the last time the infields were replaced, but believed it was around 10 years prior.

The infields were each replaced at about $16,000, with the money coming from the school’s athletic department budget.

The main factor in the depreciation of the infields is wind erosion, Fullerton said, and, “The softball park is worse because there’s no grass in that infield.” Much of the maintenance is done by the coaching staffs.

Fullerton said a bidding process is underway to replace the safety netting at each park as well.

A larger athletic facility job is pending, with the replacement of the Clovis High tennis courts. Fullerton didn’t recall the exact date work would begin, but that it would start shortly after the spring semester concludes. The surface will be post tension concrete, and the courts will be pushed north to the school property boundary. The parking spaces located there will be merged with the current parking south of the courts.

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