Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

Notebook - Nov. 27

Once the professional shoppers are sleeping off their Black Friday runs — not to mention the Thanksgiving day/night madness — it will be safe to venture out and start actually Christmas shopping for friends and loved ones.

Small Business Saturday is, perhaps, a little more tame, sophisticated and fruitful for those of us who want to give from the heart without having a heart attack.

The Small Business Administration reports New Mexico is home to 154,405 small businesses that employ about 329,000 of our friends and neighbors.

Who knows what qualifies as a “small business,” but most of the shops on Clovis’ Main Street and around Portales’ square certainly fall into that category.

Experts say — well, they would if we asked them — that you’re not likely to get crushed by hoards of shoppers trying to be first through the door at Woody’s Jewelry or at Two Shabby Divas, but you just might find that little something special that will be treasured for generations by someone close.

“Small businesses represent the dynamic demographics of the United States, encompassing everyone from your mom and pop shops to your neighborhood’s recently opened specialty boutique or traditional manufacturer,” an SBA news release tells us.

“Shopping small is a concrete way to support small businesses ... that generate two of every three net new jobs, and deliver essential goods and services to America’s communities 365 days a year.”

It’s OK to shop the big boxes; there are a lot of great bargains out there. But remember, mom and pop are here when you’re looking for a holiday experience that’s not so loud.

— Notebook was compiled by Editor David Stevens. Contact him at: [email protected] or find him on Facebook.