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Render: Planned Parenthood denials hollow

More than 160,000 people have signed a petition urging the U.S. government to extradite Walker Palmer, a dentist from Minnesota, to Zimbabwe after he shot and killed Cecil the lion.

link Rube Render

There appears to be greater outrage over Cecil than over the 330,000 “products of conception” aborted by Planned Parenthood annually.

The Center for Medical Progress has recently released five videos that purport to show Planned Parenthood selling “dead baby parts.”

The selling of fetal body parts is against federal law. Each of the five videos released to this point show a different leader of Planned Parenthood in discussions about the cost of various body parts including heart, lungs, liver and neural (brain) tissue.

Planned Parenthood has denounced these videos as “heavily edited,” and produced by “the anti-abortion movement that has been behind the bombing of clinics, the murder of doctors in their homes, and in their churches.”

Planned Parenthood officials also deny that they are selling “baby parts” for profit.

There is absolutely no evidence that connects the Center for Medical Progress to any violent activity against any abortion center or doctor. The claims of heavily edited video repeated by defenders of Planned Parenthood, including by presidential spokesman Josh Ernest, seem to be centered on the fact that the videos were made clandestinely, without the knowledge of the leaders of Planned Parenthood.

No evidence has been offered as to what exactly has been edited, heavily or otherwise.

Dr. Jen Gunter, writing in defense of Planned Parenthood, states that, “These are not ‘baby parts.’ Whether a woman has a miscarriage or an abortion, the tissue specimen is called ‘products of conception.’”

Finally it should be noted that Planned Parenthood can either pay a medical waste company to dispose of the baby’s remains or it can receive money from a biotech company for specific parts of those remains. Turning a cost into an asset would be construed as profit by any responsible business.

All of these videos are extremely difficult to watch, including the fifth video, which presents Melissa Farrell, Gulf Coast director of Planned Parenthood, explaining, “And we are able to obtain intact fetal cadavers, then we can make it part of the budget, that any dissections are this, and splitting the specimens into different shipments is this, I mean that’s — it’s all just a matter of line items.”

Evidently Planned Parenthood believes that reproductive health care for women includes the harvesting of dead babies. Oops, I meant intact fetal cadavers.

Rube Render is the Curry County Republican chairman. Contact him at:

[email protected]