Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

Meetings watch: Curry County Commission

Curry County commissioners are scheduled to meet at 9 a.m. Friday to vote on 12 items, including an architectural contract for the renovation of the Gidding Street building.

The meeting is at the Clovis-Carver Public Library’s north annex. Items on the action agenda:

• A request to approve a contract with NCA Architects of Albuquerque for 417 Gidding St. Contract not available prior to the meeting.

• A request to approve a contract with Lydick Engineers of Clovis for a topography survey of the fairgrounds. The request is part of a renovation effort for the fairgrounds entrance.

• A request to approve an amendment for roof repairs with WWRC Inc.

• A request to approve a 20-year lease agreement with Melrose for alleys.

• A request to approve an agreement with Roosevelt County for housing Curry County jai inmates.

• A request to approve an agreement with Moody’s Investors Service for providing bond ratings.

• A request to approve a resolution authorizing a budget increase of $3,504 for the bullet proof vest fund.

• A request to approve a resolution authorizing an increase of $3,892 to the foster grandparent program.

• A request to approve a resolution authorizing an increase of $6,600 for the Retired Senior Volunteer program.

• A request to approve disposal of obsolete assets through auction or scrap.

• A request to approve a contract with Stephens Construction for road maintenance and repair materials.

• A request to approve an agreement with Holland’s Clovis Office Equipment for the copy machine in the administration office.

— Compiled by Projects Editor Robin Fornoff