Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

The Lord knows the road that lies ahead

link Judy Brandon


Religion columnist

It is a puzzle why certain childhood memories stay fixed in our minds. A fond memory of my childhood centers on the long drive in our ‘54 sky blue Chevy to one of the little country churches in Missouri where Daddy used to preach on Sundays.

We alternated between two churches because Daddy was considered a “half-time” preacher at both churches.

Even at my young age of 6, those drives through the Missouri hills made an impression on me. We started out in the dark, unable to see the road ahead or behind for any distance. Then as daylight approached, winding roads, dense trees, and picturesque German settlements dotted the country highway that led us to one of those churches. Tucked far away in the hills, the little community was an escape for our family from busy and harried Kansas City.

We would have to leave around 4 a.m. on Sunday morning to make it to church by the 9 a.m. Sunday school hour. Our journey started in pitch dark but as we would we get closer to our destination, the sun would come up bringing a beautiful, crisp new day.

Two or three miles outside our destination, I knew we were close because of the steep hill that we had to climb before we reached the little community. Always when we would get to that hill, the anticipation started to grow in me just thinking about getting to the top.

As we climbed uphill in our car, I was always ready to look back and see what was behind us. Through the back window I could see the wide stretch of road where we had just been. The landscape of the entire countryside came into view from the top of the hill. I always wondered how far that road stretched. In my child-like mind, I thought that road led to Kansas City and oceans and foreign countries behind us. From that view, I could see the road we had traveled and where we had been. I also knew what was ahead; just over the top of the hill, the church, my friends and new adventures waited for me.

Have you ever wished that the road of life was that defined? Oftentimes I have looked back on the road and places I have been in the past. I have encountered difficult and troublesome spots in the past road of my life, and I have learned that dwelling on that span of difficult road would make me fearful of facing my future. None of us knows what is ahead in our lives. From times past we know that the unknown times in our future may be difficult and yet joyous, even certain yet unknown. None of us know what we will face tomorrow.

But the good news is that God knows! The promise of God to his children is recorded in Isaiah 41:10: “Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” The Psalmist wrote: “Since you are my rock and my fortress, for the sake of your name lead and guide me.” (Psalm 31:3) Jesus said: “When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, ‘I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.’” (John 8:12)

The great preacher Charles Surgeon wrote: “As for his failing you, never dream of it — hate the thought of it. The God, who has been sufficient until now, should be trusted to the end.”

We may not know what lies ahead, but we can trust the God who knows.

Judy Brandon is a Clovis resident. Contact her at: cbran[email protected]