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Restricting liberty leads to tragic results

link Kent McManigal

Local columnist

As soon as I heard about the Santa Barbara, California, murders I held my breath and waited for the anti-gun advocates to start dancing in the blood — I didn’t need to wait long.

Six innocent people died — three of those shot to death. All because one person (who came from a home of confessed anti-gun advocates, by the way) felt rejected and inferior. He was seething with homicidal racial hatred, against “white people” and “black” men, which he blamed on blonde women who wouldn’t date him.

His rants showed no hint of self-responsibility for his situation, nor any awareness that perhaps women — all women — rejected him because he was exhibiting violent tendencies, socially awkward behavior, and harboring violent fantasies.

I’m sure if he had survived his murder spree he would claim no responsibility for those who died at his hands, but would blame his victims in some way.

Many other people will choose to blame the gun.

Might as well pretend the stabbing deaths didn’t happen, or find a way to blame them on the gun, too. It’s the standard drill after these tragedies occur.

California already has some of the most onerous anti-gun laws in the country — the same kind we are told will keep us safe. How is that working out?

Gun haters believe if you just keep kids away from guns, and keep them ignorant about how guns work, the kids will be safe.

Let’s try the same with water safety and see how refusing to teach kids to swim, or sensible behavior in and around water, pans out. Don’t act shocked and angered — and don’t blame water — when kids drown due to enforced ignorance.

Kids and guns do mix. It’s the best way to teach them the proper way to use the tools, and the consequences of mishandling them, early enough for the lessons to stick. In addition, the libertarian principle of never “initiating force” will go a long way toward avoiding intentional aggression, with or without a gun.

Some people find it easier to blame inanimate objects, or claim other people made them do bad things. Plus, as long as people keep seeking excuses to justify aggression, while at the same time demonizing defensive violence, more tragedies will result.

Restricting liberty is never the solution, and inevitably leads to a tragic destination. It’s long past time to start respecting the rightful liberty of every person, whoever and wherever they may be.

Farwell’s Kent McManigal champions liberty. Contact him at:

[email protected]