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Make turn for things you like to do

I dug out my comic books for the first time in awhile Wednesday night. Oh how I have missed them.The graphics, the story lines, the characters, the heroism, there’s really nothing to not like about comic books.

I miss my novels and intellectual books as well. I miss all of my books and I miss reading for enjoyment. There are a lot of things I enjoy about journalism, but I suppose the major downside is it heavily interferes with my literary life.

link Alisa Boswell

Although I do not miss the academic stress, I have to confess I miss the intellectual conversations about literary theory from my college days as an English major.

The English nerd part of me longs to be set free again, so I am beginning a new endeavor to try to make time to read at least a little bit every night, whether it be my comic books, Janet Evanovich or literary theory. Yes, I even miss that.

Alisa Boswell loves movies and literature and writes for the Portales News-Tribune. Contact her at [email protected] or 356-4481 or on Facebook at Cmi staff-Alisa Boswell.