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My Turn - Reality TV can be just flat boring

I'm not going to lie, I'm not entirely sure I see eye-to-eye with the modern world's definition of television entertainment.

The television entertainment venue at the front of my confusion: Reality TV. I can't seem to find the entertainment in watching a woman date numerous men to find her future husband or an ex-pro ball player looking for his perfect Alaskan home.

Reality television is either surrounded with all the melo-drama we encounter each day, only depicted more dramatically, or it is just flat boring. I might get excited over someone buying an Alaskan vacation home if it was me, but it's not.

It seems as though the purpose of television has changed. It used to be a venue one used to escape life's every day stresses and drama, somewhere you could go to imagine other worlds with things that can only be brought to life through imagination.

Now, being surrounded by pre-apocolyptic and domestically violent reality TV shows, I can't help but wonder, what happened?

Now TV feels more like a continuous reminder of the way things are but probably shouldn't be. Let's bring back the good ol' days of the clumsy but well-meaning Barney Fife and the cheesy but always willing to help Care Bears. Who's with me?

Alisa Boswell likes classic television shows the best and writes for the Portales News-Tribune. Contact her at [email protected] or 356-4481 or on Facebook at Cmi staff-Alisa Boswell.