Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

My Turn - Don't run me over while I'm biking

I received some pretty awesome gifts for Christmas, but one I'm particularly excited about is my new bike.

Cycling is similar to running for me. Once you start going, you've never felt so free. Just to keep going as if no one can stop you feels so liberating.

I know this isn't the most bicycle-friendly town, but there's just so much open space you can't help but want to go for miles.

And I've been waiting for the freezing days to hurry up and go because you only get about two good riding days a year with this aggressive wind.

When I asked for a bicycle for Christmas, I know my parents had to have had a flashback to my childhood. Riding a bicycle is symbolic of childhood freedom. It's like getting your first car but when you're 6.

I want one now to travel healthier and just go for a ride when I need to think. And I promise I'll be a good cyclist, but not the kind who takes performance enhancers, gets better blood and then lies about it for years (Too soon?).

So keep your eye out for me or anyone else in the cycling community for that matter. We're not even going to try to go toe-to-toe with a pickup. I've already been hit by a car once walking. Don't hurt me again Portales, literally.

Christina Calloway writes for Clovis Media Inc. and humor in her spare time.