Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

Q&A: State Senate, District 7

Angie Spears and Pat Woods are candidates in the June 5 Republican primary for state Senate District 7.

Current Sen. Clint Harden isn't seeking re-election.

There are no Democrat candidates for the Senate seat.

Angie Spears

Age: 38

Occupation: Clinical director for TeamBuilders Counseling Services

Office Seeking: New Mexico Senator, District 7

Party: Republican

What is your position on the state's issuing licenses to drivers without Social Security numbers and why?

We must repeal the law that allows people who are foreign nationals a driver's license in New Mexico. This is not only a New Mexico public safety issue, it is a national public safety issue. Since this law passed in 2003, over 100,000 foreign nationals have flocked to New Mexico simply for the privilege of a driver's license and on average, leave New Mexico within seven days of obtaining a driver's license. Foreign nationals can also board an airplane with a New Mexico driver's license — we must do everything in our power to prevent the possibility of any future dangerous events and stop rewarding illegal behavior with a driver's license.

What is your position on social promotion by schools and why?

Real education reform includes ending the practice of social promotion to ensure children master the basics, like reading, before being passed to the next grade. Social promotion is not compassionate, but rather sets kids up for future failure. Instead, we should be helping struggling students with tutoring and reading interventions early on and showing them that they can reach their goals.

According to the 2011 national Assessment of Educational Progress, 80 percent of fourth graders are not reading at proficiency. Improving education starts with ensuring more children can read by the third grade.

What is your position on changing the teacher and principal evaluation system in state public schools and why?

Student progress should be a component of teacher evaluations, along with professional development and other qualitative measures. All professionals, including teachers and principals, benefit from opportunities for growth through evaluation that is multi-dimensional. Measuring outcomes related to a variety of core competencies and skills at various points and with a variety of student groups will give the data necessary to reward and recognize excellence and find growth opportunities to improve education in New Mexico. Our children are our greatest resource — that's why I believe education reform must include a comprehensive approach to teacher and principal evaluation where we can reward excellence while recognizing growth opportunities in an effort to do everything we can in New Mexico to increase our outcomes from 48th in the nation for the brightest future for our children.

What is the most significant local issue in your district and how do you intend to address it in Santa Fe?

I will lead the charge to repeal the law that gives driver's licenses to people who are not documented. New Mexico is one of only two states that allow foreign nationals the privilege of a driver's license. The over-arching implications of our state serving as a gateway for foreign nationals entering the United States must stop and I will fight for the full repeal of this dangerous law. Public safety is not a partisan issue, public safety impacts every person and should be our number one priority.

What other legislation or issues that would benefit constituents in your district do you intend to address in the Legislature and how do you intend to get them adopted?

At every opportunity, I will promote private sector job growth and I will vote against any and all tax increases. That's because I believe the best government is limited government. I will promote fair and sensible regulatory practices with local decision-making power. I will strongly support tax reform that gives New Mexico the competitive edge we need to compete with our neighboring states to bring business and industry to eastern New Mexico. I listen for a living, and want to work with you to create sound solutions to our most critical concerns. I will take my values of hard work, faith and family with me to Santa Fe, stand up to business-as-usual politics. I will shake up the status quo and fight for our conservative eastern New Mexico values in hopes our children and grandchildren will have the brightest possible future right here in New Mexico.

Pat Woods

Age: 62

Occupation: Farmer and rancher

Office Seeking: New Mexico Senator, District 7

Party: Republican

What is your position on the state's issuing licenses to drivers without Social Security numbers and why?

If you are in our country illegally you should not have a driver's license. The government will not issue a Social Security number unless you are a citizen. I believe that immigration reform must begin by requiring a person to have a Social Security number or appropriate legal documentation in order to obtain a driver's license in New Mexico.

What is your position on social promotion by schools and why?

I do not believe in social promotion. Promoting a student socially is a disservice to the student and hinders their future. Our students need to be able to read at their grade level. If they cannot, they should not be promoted. I am proud that our schools are taking a pro-active approach to develop progressive K-3rd reading programs. I applaud our teachers and administrators for their dedication and service to our children. I also applaud our governor's efforts to adopt and implement core standards. I believe we are making progress in education.

What is your position on changing the teacher and principal evaluation system in state public schools and why?

One proposal is to evaluate teachers and principals based on the test results of their students. I agree it would be good for our education system to have some form of accountability through test scores, but it should only be one part of the equation. We need to work with teachers and administrators to implement education reform that makes sense in the classroom. I believe we can work together to make education efficient and effective.

What is the most significant local issue in your district and how do you intend to address it in Santa Fe?

As I have been canvassing neighborhoods and talking with voters, I believe the number one legislative issue is to repeal the current law that allows illegal immigrants to have driver's licenses. I … went to Santa Fe during the 2012 legislative session to support the legislation introduced to repeal the current law.

What other legislation or issues that would benefit constituents in your district do you intend to address in the Legislature and how do you intend to get them adopted?

I believe the most critical issue facing eastern New Mexico is water availability. The Ute Reservoir was developed to supply water to eastern New Mexico, but I also recognize the recreational value of the lake to the local economy. I believe in the Ute Reservoir Pipeline project but at the same time believe that the reservoir minimum pool concerns of Quay County must be addressed in the Reservoir Drought Management Plan. We need to aggressively seek funding to promote the Ute Pipeline construction starting in the Clovis area and work north. We could then allow present water rights holders to lease their water rights to the Ute Water Authority which would help supply Clovis and other communities until the Ute Project is fully funded and complete. I know lawsuits have been filed over the pipeline project...I believe we can work through these issues as friends and neighbors.