Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

My turn: Words can be excessive

Sometimes I get the joy of editing young adults’ (18-36 year old) writing.

Some struggle with “they’re,” “there” and “their,” others with “to” and “too.”

Some are mystified by “affect” (verb) versus “effect” (noun).

“A lot” and “alot” (incorrect) give the texting quick-draws a lot of problems.

The distinction between “compliments” (praise) and “complements” (goes well with something) is a revelation.

(As an aside, I’m sure the Portales News-Tribune would appreciate readers submitting times as 7 p.m. — not 7:00 pm — and dates as Sept. 25 — not September 25th.)

My chief battle is inducing conciseness.

I encourage the Facebook experts not to say:

“It is my assumption” that my homeboys are keg-standing — Just say “I assume.”

I was late “on account of the fact” that I woke up in the wrong house — Just say “because.”

I shuttle “back and forth between” boyfriends — Just say “between.”

Don’t tell me:

“Take into consideration” that I partied until 3 a.m. — Just say “consider.”

“To a certain extent,” it is my roommate’s fault that I missed work — Just say “partly.”

It is “not outside the realm of possibility” that I will flunk — Just say “it is possible (or likely).”

“We will be praying” for Mr. Sloan “this coming” Sunday — Just say “we will pray” for Chef Juandel “on” Sunday.