Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

Police blotter — June 27

Samplings of recent calls received by Clovis-area law enforcement officers, according to reports:

About 10 a.m. June 16 an officer responded to the emergency room at Plains Regional Medical Center for a report of domestic battery.

A woman said her children’s father battered her because he was angry he was going to have to keep their children for the weekend while she was out of town.

The woman said he was giving her a ride to work and they were arguing. She said she opened her door as they were arriving at their destination and he pushed her out of the vehicle, causing her to fall out of the moving vehicle and get scratches on her arms and legs.

She said he kept driving, then came back, got out and started pushing her, pushed her to the ground and held her.

The officer located the man, who agreed with the woman’s account of events, except he said she jumped from the car.

The man was arrested for battery on a household member.


Around 10 a.m. June 19, an officer responded to the railroad offices in the 100 block of S. Main Street.

Railroad officials told the officer they had observed two people on a train and wanted to pursue trespassing charges.

The officer made contact with a man and woman walking between two trains.

The told him they had just gotten off a train because it had stopped.

They told the officer they were on their way to “the hobo convention” in Iowa.

The officer arrested them for criminal trespass.


Around 2 a.m. June 20 an officer responded to a hotel in the 1000 block of Mabry Drive for a report of robbery.

A man said he was leaving his hotel room when a man approached him and asked to use his cell phone. He said he let the man use his phone and the stranger walked a little way away.

The man said he was standing waiting by his open car door when he was hit in the head and he saw the man he had loaned his phone to attacking him with a metal pipe.

The man said the other man continued to hit him, striking him around 12 times and mumbling something about his brother.

He said the man then reached in his car and took his keys, then left.

The officer noted the man had blood on his shirt and injuries to his head and face.

A detective was called to investigate.


About 7 p.m. June 20 an officer responded to a residence in the 800 block of Brady Avenue for a report of an incomplete 911 call.

Officers spoke with a male resident, who said his roommate had beaten him.

The man said they were at a pool party earlier and his roommate had asked him to smoke drugs with him. He said he declined because he had stopped doing drugs and his roommate got embarrassed and offended.

When they returned home, he said his roommate was still mad and started packing his belongings and when he tried to calm him down, he punched him in the face.

He said he then started hitting him all over and broke his phone.

The officer noted the man had injuries on his torso.

Officers talked to the roommate, who said they got in an argument because his roommate accused him of being a drug addict. He said he didn’t remember hitting him.

The man was arrested for battery on a household member.

Police blotter is compiled by CNJ staff writer Sharna Johnson. She can be contacted at 763-6991 or [email protected]