Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

Oct. 12, 2008 Club Notes

Daughters of Confederacy

The Ellen W. Jones Chapter of the United Daughters of the Confederacy held its October meeting at Roosevelt General Hospital. It was a birthday luncheon.

President Janelle Foster called the meeting to order and introduced guests, Debi Lee and Nicole Wilkening. Bess Jones and Jane Hilliard helped with the ritualistic opening. Jane Milette gave the invocation, and Peg Kline read the minutes and correspondence. Cards were read from several states endorsing candidates to be elected in November. Milette gave the treasurer’s report.

Lee spoke about current community projects.

Jan Ross read the president’s report for 2006-07.

Jan Ross gave a program on President Jefferson Davis, sharing pictures and magazine articles. She also prepared a card for each person present, pertaining to Davis’ career.

Milette and Kline will host the November meeting.