Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

Gomez loves Lakers, life at school

Your name: Phoebe Gomez

Your job: Secretary at Steiner Elementary

Your age (date of birth): 38, born; Aug. 8, 1966

Your hometown: I was born and raised in Portales

Occupation: Secretary

Your family: Husband Liborio, Jr., daughter Daniela (14), son James (9).

What do you think of Portales?

“Portales is definitely a great place to raise my children. The people of Portales have been good to my family.”

What do you visualize your life being in 10 years?

“I look forward to having grandchildren, as crazy as that may sound.”

Tell us about your parents:

“Chris and Priscilla Lovato are my parents. My dad is the hardest working and most generous man you will ever meet and my mom is the best cook ever!”

Who is someone you admire in life? Why?

“My two sister-in-laws, Cathi and Leticia. They are so spiritually strong. I also admire Priscilla Mestas because though she has experienced many trials and tribulations, she is still the happiest and friendliest person you’ll ever meet.”

What is your favorite smell?

“My mom’s homemade tortillas and red chili cooking just before a Dallas Cowboy’s football game on Sunday.”

What do you enjoy doing with you free time?

“I don’t have a lot of free time, but when I can, I love to read.”

What would you like printed on your gravestone?

“I told you I was sick.”

What’s your favorite song? Why?

“The Dance by Garth Brooks. It gives you something to think about.”

What is your idea of a perfect day?

“A warm summer day, fishing with my children. I love to watch them jump up and down with excitement when James, my son, reels in the catch of the day.”

What do you like about your job?

“I absolutely love the students and staff at Steiner. They’re the best to work for because they’re like family to me.”

Tell us about your spouse:

“My husband, Junior, has been such a wonderful husband. He’s a hard worker (too hard sometimes) and a great provider. My children are blessed to have him as a role model.

What is your greatest hope?

“I don’t just hope, but I pray that after December, my daughter (she’s having surgery) will recover well and grow up to be a happy and healthy young lady.”

If money were no object, what would you do to make the world a better place?

“I would make sure everyone had a place to live and food to eat. After I made sure everyone was taken care of, I would purchase the Los Angeles Lakers. Go Lakers!”

Tell us about your greatest accomplishment?

“My two babies‚ of course.”

When you were a kid, what did you think you’d be doing as an adult?

“I always wanted to be an airline stewardess. I even took a few courses while I was in high school. It finally hit me that I was too short for the job”

If I could do anything, I would ...

“Take away all pain and suffering from the world.”

Do you have children? Have they influenced your life?

“I have two children born to Joe and me and one more that I borrow (Joe). One is not only my daughter, but she is also my best friend. The two boys keep me very busy. Each one of them brings something different and special to my life. I would be lost without them.”

Tell us about a happy time in your life.

“When the doctor said, “You’re pregnant.”

— Compiled by Laurie Stone