Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

DA challenger outspending incumbent

Matt Chandler has raised nearly $4,200 more than incumbent Brett Carter in the campaign for district attorney, according to campaign finance records filed Thursday evening

State law requires candidates to file campaign finance reports on May 10 and May 27.

Through Tuesday, Chandler had raised $29,007.84 and spent $25,696.03; Carter had raised $24,833.85 and spent $24,549.59.

Chandler’s fund-raising lead started out as nearly two-to-one, showing that he raised $22,870 to Carter’s $14,355 by May 10. Carter narrowed the difference by the second report, much of it through personal contributions and contributions from family members.

“We realized (Chandler’s supporters) were spending a lot of money on this campaign, and we were not able to match it, obviously,” Carter said. “I can’t see asking other people for money if I am not willing to contribute.”

Carter said he’s contributed close to $4,450 to his own campaign. His parents gave $1,300, his brother $600, his wife’s parents $500, and his sister-in-law gave $540.

Those numbers include some contributions made during the last week of the campaign which won’t appear on official reports until July 1. Including late contributions, Carter said his campaign raised about $26,393 and spent $26,249 by Friday afternoon. More than a quarter of the contributions came from relatives, he said.

Chandler’s campaign raised $29,957.84 by Saturday afternoon, according to his treasurer’s unofficial calculations.

Carter said even with late contributions he is his own largest contributor, followed by Clovis attorney Dan Lindsey at $2,150. Official campaign reports that don’t reflect late contributions indicate that Clovis car dealer Gary Hamilton is the third-largest donor to the Carter campaign, giving $2,100 as of Tuesday. Other donors giving $1,000 or more to the Carter campaign were pharmacy owner James Herman at $1,100 and Portales National Bank president David Stone with $1,000.

Hamilton is also the largest single donor to Chandler’s campaign, giving $2,250 as of Tuesday.

Hamilton couldn’t be reached for comment Friday afternoon or Saturday morning and both candidates said they weren’t sure how to understand his contribution.

“I talked to Hamilton Ford; I imagine a lot of these people in my opponent’s campaign did, too,” Carter said. “A lot of people when you ask them for money, they know you and don’t want to turn you down. Just because they give you money doesn’t mean they are going to vote for you. That’s something that gets determined at the voting booth.”

Chandler said he didn’t know why Hamilton contributed so generously to both campaigns.

“Gary Hamilton is perhaps just very generous,” Chandler said. “I really don’t know why, it’s their prerogative and I’d rather not speculate.”

Two dairy operations or their owners made contributions to both candidates, but the candidates said the explanation was that different members of the dairy families supported different candidates.

Clovis attorney Michael Garrett, his wife Clare, and dairy owner Art Schaap each gave $1,000 to Chandler; no other donor gave more than $1,000. Chandler contributed $500 to his own campaign and his parents donated $625.

Both candidates report numerous contributions from local attorneys and Chandler reported a number of contributions from out-of-state attorneys, many of whom he said were friends from college or law school. Most of Chandler’s out-of-state contributions were generally under $250.

Carter’s contributors included three of the eight attorneys in his office: $350 from Bryan McKay, $200 from Brent Capshaw, and $100 from Fred Van Soelen.

Even though he was fired by Carter for deciding to run against him, Chandler said he had no intention of removing those in the district attorney’s office who supported Carter’s campaign if he wins.

“They have the constitutional right to support who they may and I have absolutely no problem with that,” Chandler said.

Chandler said he was surprised to see how much money he was able to raise.

“It was much more than I expected,” Chandler said. “I was unsure what it would take to run a campaign and what it would take to raise the money, but I had a third of that money raised a week and a half after I was fired.”


Matt Chandler's contribution and expeditures

Monetary contributions in dollars

(In order reported to Secretary of State as of Tuesday)

Kevin Spears 200

Steve Doerr 500

Hal Grieg 1,000

Dean Borders 320

Anonymous 150

Randy Harris, 300 Main St. Clovis 100

Burton R. Trembley 40

Kevin Kaplin 250

John Bennett 50

Thomas Johnston 25

Barton Rogan 100

Eric Kristian Sanders 100

Matthew Noble 25

E.L. Betz Jr. 50

Ronald J. Webb 100

Donel L. McClamroch Jr. 400

Brian Freidline 100

Fransico T. Sanchez 50

Brett Trembley 105

Caleb Chandler 500

Phillip Bell 500

Steven J. Thompson 100

Manuel Tann III 100

Brian L. Dart 50

Richard C. Buck 100

Timothy Z. Hartley 100

Logan Bailor 50

Thomas L. Wiper Jr. 500

Philip L. Thames 50

William W. Waters 100

Melissa D. Eastham 200

Donna Chandler 100

Jason Lacey 200

Danny Carmody 50

Luke Schissel 200

Michael Carruthers 30

Matthew Bott 45

John Snowburger 150

William Vannoshan 50

Ed Lingnau 100

Robbie Telles 100

Ty Harmon 500

Chris Foote 200

L.E. Mendoza 100

Terry S. Hale 100

Jack and Chris Walters 50

Bennie Nieves 100

J.S. or T.B. Volker 50

Kay Simmons Arvizu 50

Macatak Inc., John Snowberger 150

David Hudson 250

David McDermid 200

Chase Gentry 100

Terry R. Guebert 250

Mario Silva 50

John Chandler 50

David Johnson 25

Jason Bothwell 100

Matt Ware 30

Kevin Duncan 50

Eric W. Palla 50

Kirk Fly 30

Charles R. Rogers 300

Kevin Spears 100

Linda Palla 200

David Maes 25

Jumin Klein 100

Zachary Rigdon 100

John Ryan 100

Richard Buck 100

Daric Garbutt 40

Rajen Dairy, Randy Vander Dusen 500

George Krattiger 400

Eldon W. Smith 50

Jay Neff 100

Dr. Jacob H. Moberly 200

Gloria Ann Helton 150

M. Francis Stuckey 150

Charles Forrest Wade 250

Ted Boersma 250

David Hunton 500

John W. McNeil 100

Michael T. Garrett 1,000

Clare Garrett 1,000

Art Schaap 500

John Snowberger 150

Mary E. and M.E. Bell 300

Keith Barker 100

Jim Turner 100

Bruce Cross 50

Jeff Moore 100

Dr. Allan Haynes Jr. 200

Ted Stallings 250

Caleb Chandler 25

Raymond Rivera 50

Brad McConkey 30

Kirk Chewing 25

George Krattiger 100

Michael Miller 50

George Banister 200

Russell Knudson 20

Scott Christensen 200

Randy Knudson 250

John Eastwood 200

Bob Caiter 100

James Idsingra Sr. 250

Gary Kelly 500

Harold Thrashor 100

Paul Kinard 100

Steve Myrick 20

Dr. Elwyn E. Crume 60

George Shuckman 100

Danny Heflin 500

Bill Bonem 100

Robert D. Bessette 100

Ronald L. Hieronymus 150

Matthew T. Bratcher 100

Jeremy R. Lusk 100

Mary D. Miller 50

Leonard Coffey 50

Sandy Howard 50

Buddy Bennett 500

Kathi Holland 100

Kenneth Nutt 150

Alison Isbell 50

Larry A. Roberts 50

Allan F. Isbell 50

Gary Hamilton 1,050

Gary Hamilton 350

Doug Idsinga 250

Tommy Joe Smith 50

Dianne Dewitt 50

Harold Thrasher 100

O.H. Pattison 50

Royce Jones 100

John Snowberger 150

Mike Reeves 50

Jordan Strebeck 150

Sid Strebeck 500

Tim Hartley 200

Eric Deale 100

Thomas Harrington 25

R. Gene Walker 25

Russel L. Wiener 200

Randy Knudson 150

Art Schaap 500

Derek Cockrell 250

Gary Hamilton 350

John Snowberger 250

William H. Grieg 150

Randy Holland 100

George Krattiger 100

Matt Chandler 500

Jacob Moberly 300

Gary Hamilton 500

Wayne Burch 100

Merle Terry 25

Rebecca Gear 100

In-kind contributions

Lee Maloy (donated advertising) 762.84

Total contributions 29,007.84


Matthew Chandler 40

U.S. Post Office 74

Alltel 36.78

ENMU Housing Dept. 160

Donna Chandler 50

Donna Chandler 50

Donna Chandler 180.84

Donna Chandler 14.90

Sharron Chandler 45

Sharron Chandler 9

Sharron Chandler 29.20

Sharron Chandler 15.88

Sharron Chandler 26.30

Signs By Tommorrow 105

Alltel 26.30

Hollands 892.49

Print Shop 170.84

Print Shop 356.79

Print Shop 426.40

Signs By Tommorrow 1,597.78

Best Western Inn of Santa Fe 97.31

Curry County Clerk 50

Curry County Clerk 50

Pack N Mail 211.30

Clovis News Journal 436.31

Clovis News Journal 326.53

Hollands 416.31

Alltel 26.30

Mario Silva 500

Signs By Tommorrow 761.85

Rooney and Moon Broadcasting 1,529.57

KTQM, KWKA 530.77

U.S. Post Office 111

KCLV 470.18

Clovis News Journal 253.26

New Graphic Designs 768.03

Clovis News Journal 1,312.78

Pack N Mail 855

New Graphic Designs 1,708.43

Affinity USA 12.75

Affinity USA 17

Affinity USA 5.20

Subway Sandwich Shop 10.64

Informant 106.38

Clovis News Journal 585.18

Alltel 26.30

Clovis News Journal 1,536.15

Pack-n-Mail 784.50

U.S. Post Office 260

Clovis News Journal 387.21

Clovis News Journal 208.51

Clovis News Journal 491.46

Clovis News Journal 1,076.78

Hollands 1,266.16

Clovis News Journal 223.38

Clovis News Journal 130.04

Pack-n-Mail 2,440.20

Clovis News Journal 982.90

KCLV 159.57

KTQM 203.18

Texico Tribune 30.60

Shawn Chandler 29.51

Total expenditures 25,696.03


Bret Carter's contributions and expeditures

Monetary contributions in dollars

(In order reported to Secretary of State as of Tuesday)

Gary Hamilton 700

Nick Kennedy 50

Irene Coblentz 100

Mark McKay 100

James Giles 100

Wade Carter 300

W.C. Carter 500

Portales National Bank, David Stone 500

Irene and Merced Urias 500

Brian McKay 200

Dian Forsythe 100

Dan Lindsey 1,600

North Point Dairy 500

Don D’Amour 50

Watson Motor Company 100

Jan Cox 50

Kent Carruthers 150

Christopher Chace 50

Doug and Lisa Harrison 150

John and Lucille Swain 50

Anonymous 25

Steven Harmon 25

Juan Garza 250

Anonymous 50

Anonymous 100

Anonymous 100

Anonymous 100

Anonymous 100

Anonymous 50

LaVerne Williams 100

Esther Carter 200

Joe Smith 40

Jackie Berg 40

Sandy Hartz 30

Donald Farmer 70

Jan Murphy 70

Bryan McKay 100

Wade Carter 100

Susan Casillas 40

Esther Van Soelen 40

Leah Schoeffel 30

Arnold Martinez 100

Richard Ferguson 100

Doug Brooks 100

Brent Capshaw 200

Gary Elliott 150

Anonymous 100

Anonymous 50

Fred Van Soelen 100

Walter Cunningham 50

Minnie Bresler 40

Mark Ingram 40

Anonymous 40

Anonymous 10

Eric Dixon 1,000

W.C. Carter 100

Gary Hamilton 700

James Herman 1,000

Anonymous 100

Anonymous 40

Dr. B. Cross 50

James Herman 100

Morris Stagner 100

Brett J. Carter 350

W.C. Carter 200

Eddie Pullman 25

Minnie Bressler 500

Brett J. Carter 1,500

Brettt Carter 500

Esther Carter 53.85

Dan Lindsey 150

Angie Cordova 100

Brett J. Carter 1,000

Tony Cordova 100

Marion T. Rutter 100

Crosshair Gun Shop 200

David Stone 500

Wade Carter 200

Nick Kennedy 50

Jimmy Parrish 100

James Burford 50

Jim and Alyssa Idsinga 50

Lisa Williams 50

Charles Speice 50

Judy Logsdon 20

James Conlee 100

Morris Custom Farming 100

Pat Woods 200

David Williams 200

James Jennings 90

Rajen Dairy 200

Schaap Dairy 200

Roy Williams 25

North Point Dairy 200

Mark McKay 150

Tuls Cattle Company 400

James Shipley 25

Hamilton Ford 700

Zala Smith 150

Dr. Lonnie Alexander 300

Mark Carpenter 50

Jerry Cass 100

WC Carter 500

Paquin Terrazas 100

Bryan McKay 50

Guthals Nursery 200

Southern Dairy 200

Sam Merritt 200

Paul Romero 100

Snider Electric 100

K-Bobs Inc. 200

Lynell Skarda 100

Randall Harris, attorney 300

Brett Carter 1,000

Dr. Donald Brown 500

Stephen Whittington 250

In-kind contributions

Lynn Blair (Donated signs) 215

Total contributions 24,833.85


City Printing 218

Zip Printing 71.69

Walmart 41.10

Brad Marc 3,000

Clovis Bottlers 576.56

Guadalajara 248.48

Wal-Mart 16.66

I Prome teu 307.31

I Prome teu 142.38

New Graphic Designs 303.17

New Graphic Designs 361.68

Brad Marc 500

Curry County Clerk 53.85

US Post Master 13.80

New Graphic Designs 542.57

Brad Marc 3,000

Citizens Bank of Clovis 9.41

U.S. Post Office 39.22

Brad Marc 5,000

Albertson’s 84.14

Wal-Mart 19.57

Brad Marc 5,000

Brad Marc 5,000

Total expenditures 24,549.59