Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

Organizers say KENW teleauction hits goal

Two weeks after the KENW Tele-auction, event organizers say the desired results were met — just like the 26 auctions before it.

While exact figures are not yet calculated, tele-auction coordinator Sheryl Borden said the annual event brought in about $75,000 to 80,000 in net profits for the station.

“I would say that we met our goal,” said Borden, who said the on-air sales accounted for approximately $74,495.

That figure can change over the course of the next few weeks, as Borden said items are still up for sale on the station’s Web site (, and flyers of remaining items are sent out by mail.

“We’re rather lucky to live in an area where it’s pretty constant,” Borden said. “Some stations see a huge drop one year and a huge gain the next.

“Our economy is such and our viewers are consistent, so we can expect about the same totals, and we appreciate that.”

Duane Ryan, the director of broadcasting at KENW, said that the event traditionally goes on in the first week of June, but Borden does year-round work for the event.

“She starts (for next year) as soon as the auction is over,” Ryan said. “We have a little post mortem to see what can be made better for the audience. There’s a little bit of planning year-round. She really gets on it by January.”

Ryan said he has little to do with the auction, other than agreeing with Borden on the time when the auction will air.

“She gets everybody helping her,” Ryan said. “It’s a joint effort, but she really spearheads it.”