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Could this be the best birthday ever?

In three days, I’ll officially be one month out from my due date. This week marks week 35, and it’s all starting to feel real.

Apparently baby girl is as big as a pineapple this week. It doesn’t feel like she’s nearly that big, but I always forget how she’s probably pretty crunched up in there. She’s just a little over 5 pounds and about 18 inches long.

While the last few months have been super productive and we’ve been able to get things ready, I still feel like I have a million things to do. If only I could get up and get around like I did pre-pregnancy, then maybe I’d feel a little better. But, exhaustion and short breath is making it hard here at the end.

I have to say it’s a little terrifying at this point. As much as I try to familiarize myself with the signs of labor and try to remember what to look out for, I quickly snap back to remember that the actual labor and delivery isn’t even the hard part … it’s the rest of my daughter’s life. I’m about to be in charge of raising a whole human being. And that’s a little scary.

I’m so excited to meet her, but I will say that stress and anxiety takes over from time to time. Pretty soon, my life is going to change forever. I’ll never be just me again.

Don’t get me wrong, I know that may sound negative, but it’s not. Even though there comes this wave of mourning the life you’ve always had, I couldn’t be more thrilled to enter this new chapter.

Becoming a mom is something I’ve always wanted. I just can’t believe it’s already that time.

I’m about to start having appointments every week, so I’m excited to see how everything progresses in these last few weeks.

Since her due date is two days before Thanksgiving, my family is prepared to spend the holiday in the hospital.

Have I mentioned my birthday is Nov. 16? That’s five days before her due date. It’s going to be a crazy time if it all falls then. And I think that would make quite the birthday gift.

Landry Sena writes for The Eastern New Mexico News. Contact her:

[email protected]