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What's really needed as first-time mom?

This week marks week 27, and Baby Sena is apparently the size of a head of lettuce. She doesn’t feel that big, though. It’s really me that feels a lot bigger.

She kicks and moves around every day, multiple times a day. I think feeling those movements is what I’m going to miss most about pregnancy. It’s such a unique feeling, but I’m always comforted when I feel her doing her little twists and turns and flips.

Can we also talk about Braxton Hicks? I would’ve never dreamed I’d be feeling small contractions this early on. It’s another … unique feeling. One second your belly is normal, then the next it feels like you’re flexing your abs like you would in an intense core workout.

I’ve been trying to be more intentional about enjoying this time and not taking it for granted. It feels like it was just yesterday when I first got that positive pregnancy test. Now, I’m already one week away from the third trimester.

Our next action step is getting the nursery put together. Thankfully, with my three older sisters, I have received a lot of hand-me-downs for baby girl. But, everything I’ve gotten is all over the place. So, we’re excited to get that all put together and organized.

I, however, am not too excited for my next appointment coming up. I have the glucose test in a few weeks, and anyone who knows me, knows I’m not the best with needles or blood. Pregnancy really has a way of making you tougher, that’s for sure.

I find myself getting overwhelmed, thinking about what else I’ll need by the time she gets here, or what I’m forgetting. There are so many gadgets and gizmos out there for moms and babies, it’s hard to tell what will actually be useful and what you should spend some money on. So, I’ll ask this question: What do you REALLY need as a first-time mom? What should you not waste your time and money on?

We’re still on the hunt for a perfect name for baby girl. One thing I’ve learned is, all the names I thought I’ve liked for years and years really don’t seem to matter now that I’m actually putting one to use. So, any suggestions are still welcome. We’re almost to the home stretch, it’s hard to believe. But we’re so excited to finally meet her.

Landry Sena writes for The Eastern New Mexico News. Contact her:

[email protected]