Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

What will future hold, Baby Sena?

This week marks week 25. Only 15 to go!

This summer has flown by, and with back-to-school in the air, I can’t help but think about what my baby girl’s first day of school will look like.

Will she make a lot of friends? Will she like her teacher? Will she eat the food that’s served in the cafeteria?

I’m not sure if it’s a maternal instinct or what, but these are the thoughts that flood my every day life. I constantly wonder what she’ll be like, look like, what her voice will sound like. Will she have more of my features or her dad’s? Will her hair be brown or blonde?

For reference, I have dirty blonde hair and he has dark brown hair. He has brown eyes, mine are green.

I wonder what kind of world she’ll grow up in. The world we live in now is obviously much different than it was when I grew up. I know the same can be said for my parents and theirs, and so on. That thought does scare me a little bit … well, a lot a bit.

The world is a scary place. Most importantly though, I wonder how she’ll handle these scary things. I wonder what kind of person she’ll be and how she problem solves.

I hope and pray she handles these situations with grace. And while it’s all very uncertain, I know one thing is for sure. That no matter what, she’ll always have us to turn to for help, and that God is always at her side.

She’s at the point now where she can hear the outside, and I think she likes my worship music because of how much she kicks around when I play it.

I know the next 15 weeks will fly by, but it’s hard to stay patient when you’re this excited … and I’m excited to meet her so I can learn the answers to all of these questions I find myself asking.

So, while I eat this ice cream, I’m going to think more about this little girl and who she’ll become.

Landry Sena writes for The Eastern New Mexico News. Contact her:

[email protected]