Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

Pages past, Aug. 9: Clovis alum named athletic director

On this date ...

1954: The Texico Farm Bureau met at the school lunchroom to hear a recording of a speech by Agriculture Secretary Ezra Benson. Officials asked that ladies attending bring sandwiches for the refreshment period.

1958: A 12-year-old boy was not seriously injured, but his mother’s 1957 station wagon sustained “considerable damage” when he rolled it in a ditch on North Thomas Street.

Eddie Myers, who lived at 217 Redwood, lost control of the vehicle while traveling south on a dirt road, officials said.

Young Eddie was cited for speeding and driving without a license.

1962: Cannon Air Force Base marked a one-year anniversary of fatality-free flying. While plane crashes had occurred, no airmen had been killed since Lt. Arvin D. Eady Jr. died on Aug. 9, 1961, when his plane crashed just short of Cannon’s primary runway.

1966: A freshly painted marker at Eugene Field Elementary School featured “school” spelled with a backward “c.” Of course the Clovis News-Journal included a front-page photo the next day.

1969: Former Clovis High School all-state football and baseball player Cecil Davis had been named athletic director and head football coach at San Marcos Baptist Academy in Texas. The 1950 CHS graduate played five seasons of minor league baseball before accepting the job in San Marcos.

1972: Clovis school officials decided that reduced-price school meals would be removed from Clovis schools and the price of regular school lunches would go up a nickel.

Jane Hammond, head of the school lunch program, said the reduced- and free-lunch system had put the cafeteria in a deficit of $8,000.

School board members also decided to give cafeteria cooks a raise of 30 cents an hour. Cafeteria managers received a raise of $30 a month.

1972: The Old Timers of Melrose had put together their annual celebration.

Old Timers’ Day kicked off with The Grand Ole Opry, a performance sponsored by the senior citizens of Melrose.

It featured the Clovis Senior Citizens band, the Melrose Senior Citizens Band (in their new uniforms) and a host of other Melrose talent.

Pages Past is compiled by David Stevens and Betty Williamson. Contact:

[email protected]

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