Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

Sing and rejoice in God's love

Often during the day I think about the sovereign power of God and the depth of his love for all of us.

I stand amazed that he loves me. The Scriptures tell us that God has loved for generations. The Psalmist wrote: “But you, O Lord, are a merciful and loving God, always patient, always kind and faithful.” (Psalms 86:15)

I cannot understand his love for me, but I choose to accept God’s love as a reality in my life. I realize that I am not alone; these thoughts have been the thoughts of many throughout the ages.

When Job was having all of his severe troubles, one of Job’s friends reminded Job of God’s mighty power. Although Job’s friend arrived at a wrong conclusion about Job’s suffering, he made a fairly insightful statement that was appropriate for Job to hear. It helped bring Job back to reality.

He asked Job this question: “Do you know the mind and purposes of God? Will long searching make them known to you?” (Job 11:7)

Job’s friend seemed to sum it all up. None of us in our limited understanding can fathom God’s omnipotence. Therefore many of God’s ways are a mere mystery to us and it is only by faith that we accept those ways.

A child’s song helps me in understanding that concept. When my grandchildren were just toddlers, I bought a set of CDs that were songs sung by children for children. We would listen to them in the car. One in particular was titled “Bible Action Songs.”

All those little tunes made for good entertainment when we were in the car. We would sing with the CD and even though I was a little off key, that made no difference to my grandchildren. Singing was singing and we created gleeful fanfare as we rode along.

We made joyful noises during my errands. If songs required motions, I would make up the motions with my hands and they would lift up their arms high while sitting in their car seats. After each song was over, they would clap their hands until the next song would begin.

Even today when I hear that CD, many of the melodies stir me — the memories of my childhood days in church choirs and Sunbeams. Yet one of those songs on the grandchildren’s CD really touches my heart and it is my very favorite.

“Wide wide as the ocean,

“High as the heavens above.

“Deep deep is the deepest sea

“Is my Savior’s love.

“I, though so unworthy,

“Still am a child of his care.

“For his Word teaches me

“That his love reaches me


When I would listen to that song with the children, it was as if we were all children — listening and singing. Just hearing that song caused the childlike faith in me to surface once again.

At this stage in my life, I realize even more vividly that through all these years, God’s love has been the overriding and underlying strength in my life. When I have been at my weakest, he has strengthened me. When I have been at the bottom emotionally, he has provided a wellspring of care, peace and comfort no matter what I have faced.

If Christ’s love could be measured in words, I have no utterance to describe its depth and no declaration to fathom its height. The little song we once sang comes nearer characterizing it as anything I know.

The Message puts a verse in a way that is so meaningful. It reads: “And I ask him that with both feet planted firmly on love, you’ll be able to take in with all followers of Jesus the extravagant dimensions of Christ’s love. Reach out and experience the breadth. Test its length. Plumb the depths. Rise to the heights. Live full lives, full in the fullness of God.” (Ephesians 3:18-19)

I found that CD again just the other day. Don’t be surprised if you see me in the car, waving my arms in motion to the words of the song. There is no way I can sit still when it comes to wide as the ocean and high as the heavens above part. I must sing and rejoice in the thought that God loves all his children — no matter what age we are.

Judy Brandon writes about faith for The Eastern New Mexico News. Contact her at: [email protected]