Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

Pages past - June 1

On this date ...

1982: Turner's, a clothing store at 520 Main St. in Clovis, was celebrating Pioneer Days with "Pioneer Days bargains," according to a newspaper ad.

Purses, knit shirts and Reed's World for Girls dresses were all 15 percent off.

1957: Ralph Howard, son of Pearl Howard who lived at 1200 Mitchell St. in Clovis, had joined the Navy.

He was on his way to Great Lakes, Illinois, where he was scheduled to participate in a nine-week boot camp.

After the initial training, the Clovis News-Journal reported, Howard was expected to be sent to Norman, Oklahoma, for 10 more weeks of training.

Pages Past is compiled by Editor David Stevens. Contact him at: [email protected]

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