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Reader reaction — Oct. 16

We asked our Facebook followers on Monday, “Do you think adding Gary Johnson to the third presidential debate would significantly impact general election results?”

• Dani Friend: I do. I’ve been watching the polls today and he leads them all, without having debated. It is time to stop this one or other nonsense and allow other options. Two parties only is what got is into this disaster.

• Johnny Wilson: Nope. He screwed himself by backing up TTP which will send more of our jobs overseas and protect corporations form being sued.

• MaryRose Paterson: Yes, if he can actually answer questions, he might win the election.

• Johnny Honorato: With so much controversy involving Trump and Hillary not sure why he hasn’t been allowed to debate already.

• Jeana Dozier: Yes. I think the nation deserves a to hear a third voice.

We asked our Facebook followers on Wednesday, “How do you feel about Halloween? Is it just a fun holiday? A Satanic ritual? Somewhere in between?”

• Maxima Gallegos: Our family loves Halloween we decorate, we have a party have our family over with food fun and games, We don’t go trick or treating, that’s really not worth it.

• Marcus Standley: Halloween is a fun holiday to celebrate the harvest. Plus it’s a great time to dress up and show the world who you really are because with every costume you pick reveals something about yourself.

• Jess Chapparro: I always thought it was fun and my kids enjoy it.

• Chris Spears: Like most holidays, it has become a corporate cash-grab.

• Kourtney Anthony: It’s just fun.

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