Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

Sloan: Volunteering a good experience

Inspired by Portales resident Elliott Stollar’s three-plus years of volunteering, I have been spending time on Sundays visiting and playing games with the residents of Heartland Continuing Care Center in Portales.

Wendel Sloan

My most notable contribution has been adding Scrabble to their dominoes and Skip-Bo card game.

When I began a couple of months ago, I was apprehensive it would be depressing with many residents “out of it.”

I was wrong. Most residents, ranging from their early 50s to 100, are upbeat with a wry sense of humor. Although they would prefer their former lives, they are appreciative of the good care they receive and being surrounded by peers.

“No one ever wants to come to a nursing home,” activity aid Beverly Webb told me. “Everyone has sad and bad days, but most have family who visit them often.

“Even for those who don’t, we spend one-on-one time with them every day. And, when the weather is nice, we take them out on the patio for exercise.”

She said it is understandable residents get depressed. One woman had four children, and has buried three.

Every resident has suffered tragedy — making their resilience a testament to the human spirit.

I will flesh out profiles in the future, but the remarkable people I’ve met include:

• 100-year-old Susie Tivis who had eight children (two deceased). She moved to Portales at 15 as part of a migrant farmworkers family. Her 82-year-old daughter, Virginia Stewart, was visiting her the day we chatted.

• Hank Hankins, 88, owner of Hank’s BBQ. He used to win money playing dominoes in a Portales pool hall.

• Velma Bailey, 76, who has multiple sclerosis and has been in Heartland for over 15 years. She said, “I’m happy here. If you fight it, you just suffer the consequences.”

Heartland staff members always welcome volunteers — including a gospel group from Floyd who entertain monthly.

They also welcome financial and game contributions for their activities — including dominoes and Skip-Bo.

If Heartland (575-359-4719) is not convenient for volunteering, contact a nursing home near you.

You will be the one who is cheered.

Contact Wendel Sloan at [email protected]