Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities
On this date ...
1970: A display of student handicraft and art work was an added attraction to the upcoming Parents Day at Eastern New Mexico University.
“We would like to give parents some idea of how creative and talented some students are here at Eastern,” said Kay Frederick Hobbs, one of the event’s
1950: Ellen Wells, a 17-year-old Clovis High School student, was queen of the Third Annual Southwestern Cattle Festival.
She won by 2,750 votes — each penny donation counting as one vote.
Wells was a majorette in Clovis High School’s band. She lived at 1912 E. Wallace with her mother, Mrs. C.E. Guinn.
1930: Heavy rains northwest of Melrose sent a 6-foot wall of water down Frio Draw, 18 miles north of Clovis, halting repair work being done on bridges.
The Clovis Evening News-Journal reported water was 10 feet deep in the draw.
Truck and buses between Clovis and Amarillo had been held up for several days because of water already over the roads in the Friona area.
Pages Past is compiled by Editor David Stevens. For more regional history, check out his weblog at: