Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

Pages past — Sept. 17

On this date ...

1980: Absentee ownership of commercial buildings, inadequate parking and lack of “creative financing incentives” were issues area residents were discussing about downtown Clovis.

The Clovis News Journal reported a panel had been formed to discuss those issues and more, including a lack of traffic control downtown, insufficient restaurant facilities and “poor community attitude.”link

1975: Clovis High School band members were preparing for the annual band barbecue at Hillcrest Park.

Organizers said more than 3,000 people were expected to attend the fundraiser to help send the band to Los Angeles for a halftime performance at the LA Rams-Pittsburgh Steelers game.

Tickets were $2 for adults and $1 for children 6 and under.

Band members included Penny Johnston, Theresa Loftus, Bobby Bryant, Rick Munukka and Steve Denson.

1960: A Portales man died in an automobile accident six miles south of Dora.

Roscoe Sharp, about 70, according to United Press International, was returning to his home after attending a cowboy reunion in Lovington, officials said.

Cause of the accident was not reported, but a witness said the highway was wet from a recent shower.

Pages Past is compiled by Editor David Stevens. For more regional history, check out his weblog at: