Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

Pages past — June 28

On this date ...

1975: A shortage of railroad cars to transport grain from storage facilities was a concern to area elevator operators.

A Melrose manager told Clovis News-Journal reporter Jerry Large he was “at the mercy of the railroad” and nearing capacity.

In Grier, an operator said he could only hold out maybe 10 days before capacity would be reached at his elevator.

1965: Bicycle thieves had hit Portales.

Police reported eight bikes had been stolen in the past week, most from the junior high school area.

Police also reported they were in possession of four unclaimed bicycles, along with one unclaimed red wagon, and welcomed inquiries.

1950: A group of Portales businessmen began efforts to hold the first local option liquor election in the city since the repeal of the 18th amendment.

Petitioners planned to ask for an election legalizing package stores in the city.

It would take 25 years before selling alcohol became legal in Portales.

Pages Past is compiled by Editor David Stevens. For more regional history, check out his weblog at: