Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

Pages past — May 31

On this date

1970: Jack Daniels was asking for support in eastern New Mexico’s primary election.

“... The only way I’ll be elected governor is if you, a registered Democrat, on June 2nd, cast your vote for a moderate Democrat without a political machine who offers New Mexico new ideas and a new image,” he wrote in a paid newspaper ad.

Daniels lost to Bruce King, who defeated Republican opponent Pete Domenici in November.

1914: Portales wrapped up a record-setting month for rainfall that stands today.

The city saw 12.67 inches of rain during May.

The other 11 months of 1914, combined, saw 10.97 inches of rain in Portales, according to the Western Regional Climate Center.

Transitions ...

1941: Donald W. MacKay resigned as the first president at Eastern New Mexico College.

He had held the job since 1934.

Successor Floyd Golden was Eastern’s longest-serving president — from 1942 to 1960.

Today’s Eastern New Mexico University President, Steve Gamble, was appointed in 2001.

Pages Past is compiled by Editor David Stevens. For more regional history, check out his weblog at: