Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

Letter to the editor — May 26

Republicans no more effective in Middle East

Regarding Rube Render’s Friday column in the Clovis News Journal: “Middle East policy wrongheaded:”

It’s a typical Republican rant on anything Obama does.

Just how effective were the Mideast policies (not to mention the deficit) under the all-knowing Republicans?

They started a war for the simple reason they wanted one. They said it would cost practically nothing. Actually it is trillions and still piling up. Al-Qaida did not exist in Iraq until we “liberated” them.

They said we would be welcomed with open arms. But nowhere in the Mideast where we have used military force has the final result accomplished what we desired.

The professionals in foreign affairs generally agree with the way Obama is handling the situation. War Hawks and Republicans — no. War has never solved anything.

After World War I, the allies got “revenge” on their enemies and made demands that could not be met, setting the stage for WW II. Post-WWII, the Marshall plan was set up with vastly different results.

The basic reason for the violence in the Mideast is the way they have been governed over years, sometimes centuries. The populace has reached the point of not tolerating it any longer.

The U.S picking winners is not going to work. The countries have to get together and work out a solution agreeable to the majority and then we can advise and help.

We spend more on national defense than the rest of the advanced countries combined and the conservatives want more. We have 662 bases in 38 foreign countries. If China or Russia had near that many we would scream to high heaven.

Obama and Cuba want us out of Guantanamo Bay — Republicans, nooooo.

Results are important, not ideology.

Leon Logan
