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Render: Hillary doesn't realize she's on top

The campaign to elect a president is well and truly under way.

link Rube Render

Prior to last Sunday, folks had been asking me, “So what do you think about the candidates for president?”

The question Sunday was, “Are you getting ready for the elections in 2016?”

Soon the question will be, “So who are you Republicans going to run for president?”

The correct answer, of course, is, “Whoever wins the primary.” It goes without saying that nobody is asking, “Who are the Democrats going to run.”

I’ve made the statement before in this column that no matter what scandal rears its ugly head; Hillary is going to be nominated by the Democrats.

Among the problems that Clinton addressed in her first campaign stop in Iowa were the facts that “the deck is still stacked in favor of those at the top,” and “we need to fix the dysfunctional political system and get unaccountable money out of it once and for all.”

She blithely babbles on about these issues without realizing she is one of the people “at the top,” and that her supporters and super PACs are looking to raise $2.5 billion of “unaccountable money” for her campaign. That’s billion with a B.

Having convinced the gathering she is an “everyday American,” she clinched the deal by telling them she wants to be their champion.

Depending on which newspaper you read, you could have learned that on her way to Iowa, Hillary Clinton had a “Historic Chipotle Visit;” or made “Hillary’s Flawless Chipotle Choice;” or cunningly engineered “Hillary Clinton’s Sneakily Brilliant Launch.” She generated these headlines by stopping in Ohio at a fast-food franchise and ordering something called a burrito bowl.

Evidently, a group of leading political reporters believe that a 67-year-old, everyday American woman, who is running for the presidency of the United States, had just achieved a major triumph by ordering an item from a fast-food menu without any assistance.

By the way, she forgot to leave a tip.

Jonathan Gruber, the economics professor from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, known as the architect of Obamacare, made a lot of money explaining to various groups that in order to get the Affordable Care Act passed, they had to rely on the stupidity of the American voter. Obviously the Hillary Clinton campaign believes in what is now known as Gruber’s Axiom.

Rube Render is the Curry County Republican chairman. Contact him at:

[email protected]