Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

Travelers’ health: Sun, sand and Chikungunya

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27th Special Operations Aerospace Medicine Squadron

Leave has been approved, suitcases have been packed and you are all set to go on vacation. Make sure you do not forget your sunscreen.

You have been saving leave and tucking away cash for a week in the Bahamas — sun, sand and … Chikungunya. Wait … what?

In case you were curious, Chikungunya is a viral disease transmitting from the bite of infected mosquitos.

When people prepare to go on vacation, there is a lot to plan for. Whether you are traveling abroad or to a sunnier location in the United States, here is another thing to consider — travelers’ health.

Travelers’ health is the branch of medicine that deals with the prevention and management of health problems for international travelers. The purpose is simple: The Public Health office ensures active duty, dependents and other beneficiaries stay safe and healthy while traveling internationally.

When you are planning a vacation, make sure to plan a visit to Public Health before you depart the local area. A technician will access, the best source for travelers’ health. Using the CDC as a resource, we will search the country or state you will be traveling to. Some travel destinations recommend special immunizations and various medications.

Then, Public Health will fill out a form that the member will take to their health care provider. The provider will specify if you are medically able to receive the medications and immunizations recommended.

Please remember, it is not just for active duty members. Bring your children, spouse and other family members with you so we can ensure everyone is protected.

The Travelers’ Medicine Clinic is located in the Public Health office of the medical group. These few simple steps can help prevent you and your loved ones from getting sick while traveling. We want you to catch rays, not Chikungunya.