Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

Pages past — Dec. 10

linkOn this date ...

1964: New Mexico State Police Officers Joe Cotton of Clovis and David Kingsberry of Portales were the top shooters in a district competition held east of Clovis. Cotton scored the maximum 100 points in the marksmanship contest; Kingsberry scored 99.2

1959: Quail hunters who killed six tame geese on the Olan Dallas irrigation reservoir earlier in the week paid the Floyd farmer $20 for the transgression. Dallas said he and his wife chased the hunters at speeds up to 90 mph after the incident but could not catch them. When one of the hunters returned to pay for the geese, he told Dallas he had been unable to sleep since the shooting and that he “felt just like he had robbed a bank,” Dallas said.

1943: Portales Lions Club was established with 18 charter members.

In style ...

1975: Bob’s Mr. Shop in Clovis promoted “new designs in tube socks” in its newspaper advertising. The “super-soft” socks called Grafeeti, had “pictures and sayings” screen-printed on them. The cost was $2 per pair.

Christmas trees for sale ...

1970: All three Clovis locations of Allsup’s 7-11 stores were offering Christmas trees for sale, including scotch pine, fur, balsam and blue spruce.

Pages Past is compiled by Clovis News Journal Editor David Stevens. Contact him at:

[email protected]