Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

Nice to be home

link Lillian Bowe: Staff photo

Shawn Carter, right, is Portales High School’s new media arts teacher. She helps senior Kasha Saltz with one of her assignments on Thursday.

Staff writer

[email protected]

Shawn Carter is no stranger to the halls of Portales High School. She was the third generation of her family to graduate from the school, where her son also graduated.

Carter came back to her old school to teach media arts and is excited for the year to get started. She taught at Clovis High school for 13 years and taught media arts for eight years.

She is teaching in the library until her new classroom is ready, with computers, cameras and other equipment.

“It will be really great to see the students start learning more about video editing and broadcasting,” Carter said.

What do you have planned for the class to be doing this year?

We will be web streaming the games and the students will be working on video broadcasting. I also want the students to make public service announcements. Maybe ask businesses in town to make commercials during our web streaming of the games. I also want to work with Eastern New Mexico University closely as they have a really good broadcast program. I want to take advantage of that.

Why is media arts an important subject to teach?

For one thing it helps with communication skills. Also it shows the students to use cameras on their phones as a tool and not a toy. It can be a really good tool. It’s really big right now, especially with the film studios here in New Mexico. It can make a lot of difference with the experience the students will get when it comes time to find careers.

How does it feel working at the school where you graduated?

It’s nice to be home. I walk the halls and high school memories just flood back to me.

What brought you into the field of media arts?

Well I have always done videos of my daughter’s games and my son’s fiddle concerts. I just have stacks and stacks of DVDs at my house.

Do you edit those videos?

I do some editing to them, but I like to keep them as original as possible. I put some titles or transitions, but that is about all I do to them.

What is your favorite part about teaching media arts?

I have always liked the video aspect of it. On another level it is very important to use media technology wisely. It is a fun way to express themselves, but they have to use it wisely.

How many students are in your classes?

I have 75 in the program and they all seem eager to learn. They are excited to learn about broadcasting and getting to use our green (special effects) screen.