Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

Training a child proverb true

link Sandy Fields

Local columnist

“Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.” It’s a proverb we all know and love.

It’s hard work to train a child. There’s all that time and patience and money and patience and scheduling and patience and energy and patience that goes into it.

For some wonderful examples of great training, be sure to visit the Roosevelt County Fair this week, where the children of our community will be the stars. They’ll be wearing carefully selected shirts and jeans while they show off their livestock. Their quilts and artwork will be on display. Perfect cookies and jars of blue ribbon green beans will assure us that these kids know their way around the kitchen.

Today I applaud the adults who make it all happen. The parents and grandparents, the 4H leaders, the volunteers … the list goes on. They have spent the summer in training. It’s been early mornings and hot sun. They’ve fed pigs, threaded sewing machines, and found just the right size frame for that winning photography.

I’m betting these adults got the same kind of training when they were small. The proverb comes true.

Sandy keeps an online journal at her website E-mail her at:

[email protected].