Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

Meetings watch — July 15

Portales Municipal Schools

Here are three things discussed at Monday’s Portales Municipal Schools Board meeting:

• Lt. Col. Joyce Storm from Cannon Air Force Base presented plans that base will implement to provide better cooperation between the base and the school district.

Storm discussed many programs that the base is working on that will help students that are going to area schools. One such program is called Student Connection Round-Up.

The Round-Up program helps new children to the base adjust to their new schools.

Storm said they also made a newcomers handbook for families so they can get to know the local area and places families can go to.

Storm said another part of the plan was to get the school boards in Portales and Clovis to tour the base, which was done earlier in the month.

“We are happy to rejuvenate our relationship with Portales School District,” Storm said.

• The board passed the Board of Education Policy implementing Senate Bill 75. Senate Bill 75 requires schools to keep a stock supply of albuterol and epinephrine.

The bill allows the schools to dispense medication to treat respiratory distress and anaphylactic. Albuterol treats respiratory distress and epinephrine treats allergic reactions.

Only trained personal, school employee or volunteer who has completed epinephrine administration training can administer the epinephrine when needed.

The medications must be placed in a secure location that is readily available.

• The board is submitting an application to get a license to hold raffles at the school. Superintendent Johnnie Cain said the New Mexico Gaming Control Board is requiring school to get a license.

Cain said they had to make policies, procedures and turn in required forms for the license. The board also has to appoint a Bingo manager, which Cain said even if they do not have Bingo, they still have to appoint one.

The board also has to appoint a business manager.

— Staff report

by Lillian Bowe