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My Turn - Easy to be lost in TV land

Usually I shy away from technology when I'm busy living.

I've been out of my mother's house for about five years so she asks that I take pictures often so she can see what I'm doing.

It's not that I hate taking pictures. I'm just the worst person to ask because I always forget to bring a camera and when I do bring a camera, I'm too busy having fun to use it.

Same thing with social media. I don't tweet and post about everything I do when I'm having a good time because it wouldn't be that fun if I'm telling everyone about it.

I completely neglected my Facebook when I went home a couple of weeks ago. Too much family for me to even care.

But lately I've been completely lost in TV land. The stories on these shows, when executed right, can be art at it's best.

And though I also never used to be someone who has "shows," some of these stories are so compelling that it completely sucks me in every week.

I'll always champion education and reading over a lot of the trash on TV today, but the Golden Globes proved to me that TV is currently winning.

Maybe I've been a homebody because of the weather, but I'm hooked to the shows "House of Lies," "Shameless" and "Girls."

I mean they're doing their job if they're inspiring me.

Christina Calloway writes for Clovis Media Inc. and humor in her spare time. Contact her at ccalloway@