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The Spouse Briefs: Our daughter has hold on dad's heart

Growing up, I only had sisters. I had no frame of reference for what it was like living with boys. When I was pregnant for the first time I assumed that I too would start out with a girl. I was wrong. My first baby was a boy, followed by a second boy and then a third boy. We were an-all boy family. There was no pink or princess anything in our house. I was unique and special as the one and only female. When asked if we would ever have a girl, I would say we only had one formula: Blonde, boy and crazy! By this time I had learned a few things about boys. First, they can't keep a bathroom clean for the life of them. Second, if you catch one eyeing a ceiling fan with a couple pairs of underwear in their hands, know they have plans and are up to no good. And last, but not least, potty humor starts early in boys, way early.

Then came my fourth pregnancy and the ultrasound to know what we were having. Now at this point I figured a girl would be a lot of fun to have, but I also didn't want to get my hopes up. As my husband, our three boys and I watched the ultrasound, the technician paused and said "Congratulations! It's a girl!!" The first person in our family to react was the four-year-old "Finally, we can get Barbie dolls!" he exclaimed. It has been two years; we have a girl in the family, but still no Barbies.

What has it meant for our family to have a girl? I think the biggest change has been in my husband. He is and always has been thoughtful and considerate. He's ready to help when needed. But as much as I can motivate him, our little girl makes him dance to a new tune. When Daddy comes home from work she runs at him with wide open arms of joy and once scooped up, hugs tight and won't let go. She calls my husband a bright and cheery "Daddy" and I get stuck with a drawn-out and droning "Mom." I could say I was jealous of their mutual admiration but I can't help but remember how much I loved my Dad and cherished every moment with him. I only hope as time goes on and she takes her leap out into the big world, she remembers her dad and seeks for a life partner who will treat her as well. Oh yeah, and our formula now is just blonde and crazy!

Rebecca Adling started life as an Air Force brat and is now enjoying life as a mother raising her own pile of adorable Air Force brats.