Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

Reunions: July 22


The Greathouse Reunion held its 56th get together at Emmanuel Baptist church July 14 in Portales. There were two clans represented with 27 people attending.

Bill Strong gave the invocation, followed by a potluck meal. Group photos were taken.

The business meeting was called to order by President Regina Harris. Sheryl Abdill read the minutes and treasurer's report. The same officers will serve again next year; President Regina, Vice President Amanda Kaberlein and Secretary/Treasurer/Reporter Sheryl.

The group voted to keep the reunion on Saturday, the second weekend in July next year at the same location. Door prizes were given out. Bill Strong conducted the auction to support next year's reunion.

Those attending were Sandra Fitch of Albuquerque, Woody and Floretta Wood of Farwell, Sheryl Abdill, Regina Harris, Kevin Robison, Joyce Jones, Amber Jones, Ben and Meghan Greathouse with children Tristan, Braedon, Mason and Payton, all of Clovis, Bill and Debbie Strong, Hilary Dixon with children Cameron, Brianna and Hannah, Amanda Kaberlein with sons Isaac and Heath, Steph Chavez with son Septimus, Taylor Jones and Alyssa Morton, all of Portales.


The Field Community Reunion will be held Aug. 10 at the Field Fire Station. Fellowship will begin at 1 p.m. The business meeting and program will be at 5:30 p.m. followed by a meal at 6 p.m. for $7.50 each.

Everyone who has lived or is now living in the Field community is invited to attend.

Please make reservations by calling Beatrice Hunt by Aug. 5 at 575-253-4455 or 575-253-4520.

— Submitted by Dorthy Woods