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Moms Gear: Feeding time just got greener, cleaner

I remember so clearly all the milk that dribbled down my son's chin during feeding time, finding their way into hidden crevices that could only be uncovered after digging deep into his neck folds. With the arrival of my second son this spring, I've sworn I will be smarter and use a bib during every feeding.

I love the three-piece organic bib set from Text Message Baby for catching all the spills from the bottle. The messages are cute IH8PZ (I hate peas) and SIMH (stuck in my highchair), but the real draw is their uber-softness. Made from 100 percent organic cotton from American Apparel, low-impact dyes and natural inks, these cute bibs are perfect for Whole Foodies like me. I wish they made them in XL for my husband.

Get them for $36 for three at