Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

Let words shape your destiny

It’s been said, “What you said yesterday is what you are living today.” In other words, we are a product of our words. Words have power, positive or negative.

It is sobering to realize you and I have within us the potential for building or destroying and we do it with words. Words go before us and shape the future. Words represent who we are. Negative and worry-filled words reflect our personality. Words have a way of locating where one stands. Words spoken go forward and shape the future.

I heard someone say, “Our biggest problem is one inch below our nose.” How true. Words said in anger are not easily forgotten. Angry words bring unrest, ill feelings and animosity.

Have you ever heard of the “what ifs?” (If it happens, then what?) That is a joy-stealer big time. Worrying is agreeing with the enemy and saying what he says. Worrying nullifies prayers. God honors prayers that are prayed in believing faith.

Insanity has been defined as doing the same thing over and over, but expecting different results. If we knew that every word we said would surely come to pass, we would be mighty careful what we put in motion. Proverbs 6:2 states it clearly: “Thou art snared with the words of thy mouth, thou art taken with the words of thy mouth.” (KJV)

Words can stir up hostility. “Hatred stirs old quarrels, but love overlooks insults.” (Proverbs 10:12 NRSV)

Wrong words spoken to a child can make deep wounds, and the results can overlap into adult relationships. Depression has been associated with verbal abuse that is hard to overcome. Wrong words spoken can initiate an illness, destroy a relationship and even cause vicious crimes. Replacing hate with love solves a multitude of problems.

Right words spoken to a child builds self-esteem, a strong character and a successful adult.

Many have the “what if” disease. “What if the report comes back positive?” “What if we have to declare bankruptcy?” “What if the sky falls?” And to all of this I say, “What if it doesn’t?”

How about right words? “Pleasant words are as an honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones” (Proverbs 16:24, KJV).

Right words spoken create a pleasant atmosphere and wholeness. A right word spoken keeps marriages together and produces well-adjusted children. Right words leave special tender memories. Words can follow a path to peace, or words can lead to continual strife. Wrong words take away joy and zest for living.

Optimism and kind words promote a cheerful outlook. Looking on the bright side helps to see difficulties as challenges and opportunities. Soaring with the eagles is better than riding in a storm.

Kind words gain tremendous victories simply because they come from someone who believes in you or me.

Right words can heal, help and encourage. Even though we stumble and slip, we can get right back up and start over. I want my words to heal, help and encourage.

I believe we are wonderful, amazing human beings, created by God.

Let’s be blessed today, and may our words shape a great destiny.

You are a wonderful and amazing human being, created by God. May you be blessed today. May you know the height, depth and breadth of his amazing love.

May God supply all of your needs according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:19)

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