Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

Club notes — Jan. 9

Bethel Homemakers Extension Club

The Bethel Homemakers Extension Club met in the home of Joyce Welsh for their December meeting and Christmas party with 16 members in attendance. Pat Terry brought the devotional. Condolences were sent to the family of former member, Flo Armstrong. Joyce announced that 10 quilts and six blankets were donated by the club to the police department.

The Bethel club is responsible for the district cultural arts luncheon in April. Sid Chapman and Lou Sikes were appointed to check on catering for this event. Decorations will be made at the January meeting.

Refreshments were served followed by a gift exchange. An auction of white elephants was held with proceeds to benefit the club treasury.

The next meeting will be Jan. 11 in the McAlister room at the Roosevelt County Fairgrounds, at 1:30 p.m. Persons interested in becoming members of an Extension Homemakers club are invited to attend.

—Submitted by

Bethel Extension Club

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