Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities
Supplies needed:
Backpacks without wheels
Spiral notebooks (wide ruled and college ruled)
2-inch three-ring binders with dividers
No. 2 pencils
Blue, black and red pens
Scissors (round and point tipped)
Large glue sticks
Pocket folders (without fasteners)
Colored pencils
Zipper pouches for pencils
Two Eastern New Mexico University students are putting together a drive for school supplies this summer for children in Portales and Clovis.
Colton Brewer and Jonathan Bull are asking local churches to help. Brewer said he felt inspired by God to gather the school supplies.
“I really felt there was a need for it considering we have some people in the town that need help financially,” Brewer said. “Jonathan and I were talking about things we could do to help out the community and the city. One of the things we came up with was doing a school supply drive.”
Brewer said considering school starts back soon, now would be a good time to do it. Brewer and Jonathan Bull are collecting supplies at the Baptist Student Union on Aug. 2, but they are hoping to start collecting supplies soon.
“The first place we visited was central office for Portales Schools,” Brewer said. “They gave us a supply list and schedule for when school started for the kids just so we would know what supplies we would need. If we don’t get certain supplies we are also looking or cash donations so we can get odd things that kids need like tissues and things like that.”
Brewer and Bull are partnering with the Baptist Student Union on campus, First Baptist Church, First United Methodist Church, Victory Life Church, Calvary Baptist Church and Emmanuel Baptist Church, all of Portales. Also involved are Highland Baptist Church and Living Stones Community Church of the Nazarene, both in Clovis.
“We’re just trying to do more stuff like this because it is what our faith entails,” Bull said.
ENMU Baptist Student Union
School Supply Drive.
Info: Colton 219-9800 or Jonathan 469-586-7235.
Monday, August 2.