Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities
We walk because they walk.
That’s the philosophy behind today’s Communities Responding to Overcome Poverty (CROP) walk.
The fundraiser provides money to feed the hungry at local, national and global levels.
It is estimated families in some countries walk an average six miles a day to get food and water, according to CROP walk organizers.
Volunteers will walk 4.2 miles around Clovis beginning at 2 p.m. at the Master’s Center. Walkers can turn in their donations at the start of the walk.
The event is sponsored by Church World Services, which says 75 percent of the money raised is donated to that organization.
Donators have the opportunity to direct their gift to specific organizations.
The remaining 25 percent is earmarked for the Food Bank of Eastern New Mexico.
Event organizer Rev. Ben Wright with St. James’ Episcopal Church said the route is intentionally visible.
“As Christians we proclaim Jesus as Lord but it’s more about what we’re doing with our actions,” Wright said. “We aren’t doing it for ourselves but for those who are hungry. This is a public demonstration of what we’re doing.”
Nancy Taylor, executive director of the food bank, said events like the CROP walk benefit the food bank in money and exposure.
Walkers will head over to the food bank after the walk for a reception and tour.
“The funding is always beneficial because of the ability to transport more food into the areas with what they donate,” Taylor said. “But the people who participate come into the food bank and see our mission and how we go about doing that mission.”
Several local churches and community groups are involved in the walk, Wright said.
Clovis Christian School student government advisor Joseph Blaschke said a handful of junior high and high school students will participate.
“I think it’s really important for them to be identifying with the struggle of people their own age in other countries,” Blaschke said. “Most children are not blessed as we are in the U.S. This is raising their global awareness so they’ll think about other people besides themselves and their own group of friends.”
Blaschke said he’ll be walking to support his students and for the experience.
“I’m walking to experience what it’s like. We don’t have a sense of awareness of what it’s like having to wake up at 5 a.m. to walk all day to get food and to come back to feed your brother and sister that would starve without that food,” Blaschke said. “I’m really glad to be a part of it.”
The walk starts at the Master’s Center
• west on 21st to Thornton
• south on Thornton with a rest stop at Matt 25 Hope Center
• east on Seventh to Prince
• north on Prince back to the center.