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No shame in being a 'Digital Mom'

My sister-in-law loves to remind me that she can’t possibly imagine what it must be like to stay home with the kids.

She makes a point to stress that in her son’s school district there are only professional women and therefore she isn’t familiar with the stay at home mom breed. She thinks it’s insane that someone would actually choose to be home with kids all day, let alone my choice of homeschooling them.

I don’t verbally respond to her comments, but I make sure to give her some attitude. Lately though, I think I found a new way to retort. I have to inform her that she’s behind the times with her definitions.

If she’s trying to properly put me down, she should use the new term, Digital Mom.

Yes, the news has informed me that I’m actually a Digital Mo. Not a working mom or stay at home mom in the traditional sense, but a new media mom. It does make me sound pretty hip, doesn’t it?

The Digital Mom is a smart mom who stays home with the kids but who uses the Internet for many reasons: to work, to connect with others, to schmooze, to gather information, and to find support.

Basically it’s a mom who can turn on a computer and get on some new media platforms, send emails, Twitter, use Facebook, blog, create a podcast or digital video all to make business or personal connections.

I guess I’m this kind of mom.

I personally don’t really care if someone labels me a stay at home mom or digital mom or whatever else they want to call me.

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