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Given the choice of video games, sleep or studying, Eastern New Mexico junior Jason Bloomer will always go with video games or sleep. He learned not to give himself the option of sloughing off studies by being involved in as many things as possible, including cheerleading, a fraternity, a full-time job, and studying biology with an emphasis in pre-med.
Busy bee: Being that busy forces me to prioritize and become semi-organized. I wake up every morning and just go. Being busy is something I’ve always done. The bouncing back and forth doesn’t let my mind wander. I just thrive.
Male cheerleader: Being a male cheerleader isn’t really an issue. Last year, ENMU had two. In high school, I was the only male most of the time. I got some bad feedback but it wasn’t something that was a hindrance. I’ve been cheering competitively since I was 5. Throughout the years, I just let it go in one ear and out the other. There’ve been breaks in those years. I played football in high school some and went into the Navy, but I always came back to cheerleading. It makes me happy and keeps me sane.
Traveling life: I was born in Artesia but I was raised in Austin, Texas. I lived in Hobbs, Denver and Boise. Idaho. I went to three high schools in four years. It was tough but each and every experience and school has given me something different. Each friend, professor and environment turned me into who I am today.
A crowd to live for: My favorite aspect of cheerleading has to be the crowd. If I’ve got a good crowd that’s excited and jumping just as much as me, even if I’m tired after a 13- or 14-hour day, they get me pumped up to do everything I do.
Thinking on my toes: I want to be a doctor specializing in emergency and sports medicine. I think on my toes when I need to. If I’m constantly going. That’s when I think the best and I thrive.
Maritime: I joined the Navy after high school because I didn’t think I was going to have financial backing for college. My dad talked me into it and I was nervous. But what I loved about the Navy was the structure. It appealed to me and it gave me something I was lacking.
Fly free: If I could have any superpower in the world, it would be the ability to fly. I could get away from everything. I could zoom out of everything and fly free. No restrictions. The world would become my oyster.
— CNJ staff writer Liliana Castillo