Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

Feb. 1, 2009 Club Notes

Chaparral Extension Club

The Chaparral Extension Club met Jan. 22 at Trinity Lutheran Church with 12 members present. President Sheryl Abdill called the meeting to order. June Phillips read “Wash Day.” Dorothy Bean gave the treasurer’s report.

The club by-laws were gone over and changes were discussed with the group approving the changes.

A domino tournament was planned for Feb. 23.

The jewelry making workshop was announced.

Hostesses Carol Litzelman and Lois Lewis served refreshments. Sheryl presented the program for the leader training on “Crayon Creations,” with the group coloring fabric blocks to be made into a quilt top.

The next meeting will be a Valentine party on Feb. 12. Information: Sheryl Abdill at 763-4256 or the extension office at 763-6505 or 762-0296.

Llano Estacado Quilt Guild

The Llano Estacado Quilt Guild met Jan. 24 at Trinity Lutheran Church with 14 members in attendance. Elizabeth Lawrence called the meeting to order. Introductions were made by answering the question “Where did you live before moving to New Mexico.”

Reports were given for charity projects including Hartley House quilts, hospice lap quilts, Operation Home Front quilts, Opportunity quilts and Blue Star banners. Brenda Harpold showed a quilt made for the Hartley Hosue Gala. Sign up sheets were passed around for workers wanting to participate in the 2010 Llano Quilt Show.

Kristina Ramirez volunteered to take over the secretary’s job. Programs for the rest of the year were discussed. Quilts of Valor were discussed by Elizabeth. Kathy Gilman talked about making pillowcases to be sent to troop overseas.

The group worked on charity quilts and had a salad lunch.

The next meeting is April 25.

Information: Elizabeth Lawrence, 226-0092 or Gail Strickler, 742-1179.

Fairfield Extension Club

The Fairfield Extension Club met on Jan. 23 at the extension building with eight members present.

Hostesses were Murl Dennington and Marlene Essex.

Janice Prescott read a poem on credit cards. Minutes were read by Jean Hardin. New books were passed out. Janice reported on a crayon painting and passed out patterns. Sharon Ragland reported on a weight lifting class she is taking and welcomed other participants.

A pot luck luncheon was served at noon by the host.

The next meeting is at 10 a.m. Feb. 13 at 1700 Main.

The meeting will be hosted by Jean Hardin.

Rlains Regional Medical Center Auxiliary

Plains Regional Medical Center Auxiliary held their general membership meeting with 33 members in attendance. The meeting was called to order by Ruby Goforth, president. The invocation was given by Joy Melton. The bookkeeping report was given by Phyllis Davidson. Minutes of the last meeting were read by Carmen Skabelund. Margie Boatman, scholarship chairman, reported that the auxiliary awarded 15 scholarships.

Safety and fire updates were give by Teri Marney, PRMC safety officer. Officers for 2009 were installed: President, Ina Chandler; President-elect, Margi Bryant; Secretary, Carmen Skabelund; Treasurer, Frances Boney and member at large, Norma Nagel. Outgoing President Ruby Goforth was presented with roses from the auxiliary and PRMC administrative secretary Rhonda Murdoch. The gavel was handed to the incoming president.

The meeting was adjourned and refreshments were served by the hospitality committee.

The next meeting is March 24.

Delta Kappa Gamma

Delta Kappa Gamma met Monday at the 21st St. Church of Christ.

Dianne Davis opened the meeting with the collection. Krista Stata read the minutes for November’s meeting and a thank you note from Jeanie Eichenberger for her mother, Elizabeth James. Patsy Camp read the treasurer’s report in the absence of Anna Koleck.

Bills were approved.

Randy Johnson, speech pathologist of Friona and Farwell, gave a very informative program on his training and work in the speech field. Members contributed with questions and related speech problems encountered in their lives.

Refreshments were prepared by Mary Lee Rogers and Marrion Hudson.

The next meeting will be Feb. 23 with Roberta Johnson and Kristin Stata as hostesses.

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