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Committee making plans for county's centennial

CNJ staff photo: Liliana Castillo Miss Moo Curry County, a life-sized recycled cast aluminum cow, was painted by Patsy Delk, one of the Centennial Committee members.

Curry County will turn 100 years old in 2009. To celebrate, the county has formed the Curry County Centennial Committee, which will plan events to commemorate the anniversary.

Dan Stoddard, chair of the 12-person committee, said the team is working on a pioneer theme, but wants to focus on the people that make up the county currently.

“We want to honor those that homesteaded here and brought the county here,” he said. “We will focus some on the railroad also because it had a huge part in bringing about the county as well.”

Stoddard said the committee, comprised of volunteers, has been working for about six months on the project. The committee has several ideas for events, but Stoddard said their itinerary is a “dream sheet” until funds are secured.

To date, the committee has raised $12,000 toward their goal of $70,000, Stoddard said.

The only event confirmed thus far is a visit from the Presidential train car, which will be used as the setting for a VIP event in April. The committee hopes for a kickoff celebration in the beginning of February, Stoddard said.

Stoddard hopes to hold events during Pioneer Days in early June and during Dairy Fest in late June, as well as a special event to honor veterans during the Curry County Fair in August.

The committee is working on making coins, lapel pins, Afghan blankets, a centennial book, as well as a time capsule.

Patsy Delk, one of the committee members, has painted the first centennial cow, named Miss Moo Curry County, which is a life-sized cow made of recycled cast aluminum. Stoddard said businesses can purchase a cow and have it painted however they want in an effort to promote the county’s centennial.

“We have a huge area to cover, but we want to work with all the communities. We want to represent the past and the present,” Stoddard said.

Though the events will mark the celebration of the county’s 100th anniversary, Stoddard said it’s more about the people.

“Curry County is about the community spirit we have here. They have a positiveness, they just embrace everyone. We want to work together and that spirit lives today from what pioneers brought here,” he said.

Secretary and treasurer of the committee Geneva Cooper said focusing on the past and present is important.

“We want to celebrate all the things we’ve accomplished in the 100 years,” said Cooper, a former county manager. “It’s a wonderful community.”

“It’s an investment in our community looking back and seeing what our accomplishments have been and a look to the future. Looking back always helps you look forward,” she said.